Web design and web site development, company web pages creation, web site through content control system, online shop, SEO search engine optimization.

Static Web Site

Making a site with 5 to 10 static pages that describe your business activity include: a portfolio of products or services, a photo gallery, and site-specific contacts and feedback.

Dynamic Web Site

Sites or blogs that have the ability to add content at any time by the webpage owner.

For this purpose are used popular free CMS content control platforms, especially WordPress, due to the fact that there are enough resources to make a stylish, dynamic, and in the same time easy-to-control and lightweight site.

Of course there are other systems that can be used, such as Joomla, which is a very good free version for large sites with many categories and publications.

Best for each site is its own CMS system developed specifically for the needs of the site. It can be very lightweight, extremely easy to control and meet all customer requirements, but the price can reach larger sizes.

Online Shop

Online stores are gaining in popularity and are an easy way to reach more potential customers.

We recommend as a free option platform for making online store Opencart. It is relatively lightweight and easily manageable, even for not-so-experienced specialists in the field of web services. There are enough modules and components that can make a very well functioning and stylish site with all the necessary functionalities that come from the nature of the products offered in the online store.

For larger online stores selling thousands of products and having a few hundred categories we recommend Magento. Again a free platform, which hides in itself extremely flexible tools enabling the online store to offer a fully-fledged and accurate method of finding the right product for the needs of the potential customer. The downside is that the great functionality makes the platform a little more cumbersome and difficult to control from less experienced administrator.

Again, the best option is an own CMS system developed specifically for the needs of the site, but the price can reach larger sizes, and when this is irrelevant this is the best option.

Social networks

The social commitment of each company is a guarantee of its authoritative growth among the public opinion. We can offer you the creation and maintenance of accounts on all major social networks such as facebook, google +, twitter, linkedin and others.

We will not just create your business page, but we will take care that it is daily active and engaging public opinion. A well-developed social business page is what will make every online business discover new heights.